
Transit during the Covid pandemic

Elektrolas controle

NTA 8828 training courses at QS restarted

Today (2 June), training and examinations under the NTA 8828 resumed at QS. A specific protocol has been drawn up with the aim of allowing training courses and exams according to the NTA 8828 to continue safely during the corona crisis from now on.

The current recommendations and measures of RIVM and the protocol ‘Working safely together’ of Bouwend Nederland and Techniek Nederland form the basis of our QS protocol, supplemented with location- and handling-specific details.

QS provides both the three-day full training and the one-day refresher course for recertification of electrowelders and welding supervisors. The courses will be conducted in smaller groups of up to four participants. Despite the smaller groups, QS has decided to offer the service at the same rates.

Our customised training courses will also be resumed, making it possible to organise evening and/or Saturday courses in a modified format.

Normec QS test laboratory recognised by Synergrid

Normec QS test laboratory recognised by Synergrid

Normec QS contributes to certification pilot for European hydrogen requirements

Normec QS contributes to certification pilot for European hydrogen requirements

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