Normec QS is accredited to perform inspections on plastics constructions.
At the request of the client, Normec QS inspects during the construction of the plastics construction on the following two important points:
The inspector records the findings in a report for the client, which is provided with a declaration of conformity.
The inspection work takes place during the entire process, during prefabrication, at the project location during execution and when the construction is ready by means of a geoelectric measurement (Declaration Liquid Tight).
In addition to inspection of the leak tightness, we also offer testing possibilities for lifetime testing of the applied plastics. This allows Normec QS to issue a lifespan expectation of at least 100 years under accreditation.
Normec QS is accredited to carry out inspections on plastics constructions. We do this on the basis of, among other things, the relevant standard “Protocols for the application of plastic geomembranes for soil protection” and the “CUR221 Handbook geomembranes constructions for deepened infrastructure.”