
Prevent soil contamination during business activities

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Inspection Geoelectric Measurement

Geoelectric measurements can be used to demonstrate the fluid density of some soil protection devices. Especially for facilities that cannot be emptied or can be emptied at high cost, geoelectric measurements can offer a solution. Examples include: collection basins (extinguishing water, leachate water), emergency basins, pipes or foil constructions under a tank site or outdoor storage.

Why Normec QS?

  • Rely on years of experience and expertise.
  • Schedule inspections, tests and training flexibly.
  • From testing to certification; you are 100% taken care of.
  • Normec QS is your expert partner with an active involvement in standardisation.

Procedure geoelectric measurement

After assignment, the inspection is planned. The liquid tightness of the facility to be inspected is demonstrated in accordance with Protocol 6702 by:

  • visual inspection of the visible parts of the device
  • a geoelectric measurement

For this measurement, energy is brought into the aquifer outside the facility with the help of electrodes. A grid of sensors is placed inside the facility. If these sensors detect energy from outside the facility, there may be a defect (leakage). As a result of the inspection carried out, a report is drawn up in which the result of the inspection is described. Depending on the inspection results, Normec QS grants you the Liquid-Tight Facility Declaration.

GEM2 innovative geoelectric measurement

What do you do when the market is crying out for innovation? Exactly, then you join forces! This is how the collaboration between ABV Haukes and Normec QS was born. We combined our knowledge and skills and developed a new, innovative geoelectric measurement system together. With GEM², a smart, affordable and efficient alternative to geoelectric measurement is available. We also show that complying with laws and regulations does not have to be expensive and complicated.

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