
Research methodology for plastic piping systems

Lab van Normec QS

Interview with Jorn Bronsvoort on residual life research

Thanks to this research methodology, often considerable delay replacement investment. The latest edition of GWW Magazine features an interview published with Jorn Bronsvoort on residual life testing. The article zooms in on the research methodology developed by QS Testing for plastic piping systems to test the degree of ageing and determine the expected residual life.

Residual life span of decades

Since 2019, in addition to quality control in the construction of
piping systems, also carries out research on existing piping systems. According to the applicable product standards, PVC, PE and PP piping systems have an expected lifespan of 25 to 50 years. In practice, however, these piping systems have a residual lifespan of often several decades under the same conditions of use. As a result, the replacement investment can be considerably postponed.

Testing based on representative samples

The research method developed by QS Testing to determine residual life is scientifically substantiated by TNO. QS thus responds to the need in the market to demonstrate that a plastic piping system still meets all set standards and that replacement is not necessary in the short term. The pipeline manager provides representative samples that are tested and assessed in the laboratory. Based on an analysis, a report is drawn up stating the expected residual life under the same conditions. The dozens of studies that have now been carried out show that most piping systems have a residual life expectancy of more than 20 years.

Read the full article? Click on the image below. Would you like to know more about our independent residual life expectancy study on plastic pipes? Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to tell you more.

Normec QS test laboratory recognised by Synergrid

Normec QS test laboratory recognised by Synergrid

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