The most efficient utilization of organic waste streams is an ongoing issue for market participants. Due to a growing awareness in the primary sector, the market-economic value of compost with respect to soil management is becoming increasingly well known. Quality assurance through the Keurcompost label is an instrument to guarantee quality and processing. By compost applications compared to other soil improvers, CO2 reduction can be made transparent through CO2 reduction certificates.
Besides soil applications, energy applications from organic waste streams are on the rise. By centralizing biomass in biomass yards, the market is opened up, while the sustainable origin of biomass can be guaranteed through NTA 8080 certification. The application of biorefinery of, for example, lignocellulosic material for biobased innovations is also attracting interest.
Process control and compliance with laws and regulations remain a constant point of attention in a changed enforcement framework. The liquid-proof floors at the composting facility, as well as leachate collection basins and company sewers will have to meet the quality requirements for soil protection in consultation with the competent authority. Issuing a Declaration of Liquid-tight Facility upon demonstrable compliance with the requirements of AS6700 standard.
Normec QS is a benefactor of the BVOR (Branchevereniging Organische Reststoffen).