
Certified sustainable



Peat is one of the raw materials used in the substrate industry. However, peat extraction in peatlands is associated with high greenhouse gas emissions. Peat substitutes of organic and mineral materials generally have a lower carbon footprint. HORTICERT is a certification system for these peat substitutes, encouraging the substrate industry to reduce peat. The goal? A argely peat-free future.

Why Normec QS?

  • Rely on years of experience and expertise.
  • Schedule inspections, tests and training flexibly.
  • From testing to certification; you are 100% taken care of.
  • Normec QS is your expert partner with an active involvement in standardisation.

Peat substitutes with low carbon footprint

HORTICERT is an international certification system that guarantees the ecological, social and economic sustainability of peat substitutes and growing media. Due to a uniform methodology, greenhouse gas emissions are calculated, allowing statements to be made about the greenhouse gas savings of peat-free and low peat growing media compared to conventional products with a high peat content. HORTICERT can certify peat substitutes such as green waste compost, wood fibre or coconut-based products, as well as other peat substitutes.

More information about the certification system can be found on the website of HORTICERT.

peat in hands